JAKARTA – PT Pertamina Geothermal Energy (PGE) once again maintained its achievements at the 2021 Company Performance Rating Assessment Program in Environmental Management (PROPER) award event organized by the Ministry of Environment and Forestry. PGE Area Kamojang - West Java managed to maintain the Gold PROPER 11 times in a row starting from 2011 to 2021.
The awarding of the highest PROPER Gold award was witnessed by the Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia Ma'ruf Amin and handed over directly by the Minister of Environment and Forestry (KLHK) Siti Nurbaya to the recipients of the award at the Vice President's Palace, Jalan Medan Merdeka Selatan Number 6, Jakarta, Tuesday (28 /12/2021).
In her speech, the Minister of KLHK Siti Nurbaya said that the Government in this case the KLHK as the implementing facilitator with the PROPER Advisory Council is currently and will continue to develop efforts to improve company performance in contributing to better environmental quality.
"Efforts to improve the company's performance in contributing to better environmental quality, techniques, methods, orientation, and all efforts, continue to be explored by the proper scientific-based and evidence-based advisory board," said Siti.
The PROPER 2021 award is a form of appreciation from the Ministry of Environment and Forestry to companies that have complied with laws and regulations in the field of controlling pollution and environmental damage, as well as managing hazardous and toxic waste, implementing best practices in the field of environmental management and consistently playing a role in community empowerment. .
“PGE continues to be a source of pride for us, the spirit of PGE officers to give the best for the company in the form of commitment and hard work. This award is also a mandate in the future to provide more benefits for the surrounding community," said Ahmad Yuniarto as President Director of PGE on another occasion.
Ahmad Yuniarto explained, in running its business, PGE continues to be committed to geothermal development and ensures the implementation of Environment, Social, and Governance (ESG) to become an integrated part of PGE's geothermal business. The implementation of these ESG aspects is an effort to provide added value and support PGE to government programs related to the use of new, renewable energy that is environmentally friendly, especially geothermal.
In addition, the development of geothermal energy supply carried out by PGE is also a form of PGE's support and commitment in achieving sustainable development, especially the 7th goal (clean and affordable energy), 12 (responsible construction and production), 13 (climate change management), and 15 (land ecosystems) in the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals).
The 11th Gold Proper was again won by PGE Kamojang Area with the flagship CSR program KANG DEDI (Kamojang Digital Village) which is an innovative community empowerment program developed by PT Pertamina Geothermal Energy (PGE) Kamojang Area. Through Kang Dedi, village digitization is carried out by developing environmentally friendly innovations. Kang Dedi's various innovations are able to answer limitations since the onset of COVID-19, social problems, and community needs, especially in the fields of communication, transportation and agriculture.
Not only Gold, on this occasion PGE also won 2 Green PROPER through PGE Lahendong Area - North Sulawesi and Ulubelu Area - Lampung, as well as Blue PROPER for Lumut Balai Area - South Sumatra and Karaha Area - West Java.
PROPER is one of the policy tools (Policy Tool) developed by the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK) in encouraging companies to demonstrate commitment to environmental management in their operational areas. PROPER also continues to encourage companies to be able to provide added value and build collaboration with the surrounding community, especially good and sustainable environmental management as well as creating breakthroughs that are beneficial to the community.
Currently, Indonesia is ranked second in geothermal development in the world with a total installed capacity of 2,175 MW, and the contribution from the PGE Working Area is 88 percent of the total installed geothermal capacity in Indonesia, which consists of 672 MW which is self-operated and 1,205 MW which is operated independently. implemented through a Joint Operation Contract.