We believe that Corporate Ethics is our principal guideline to maintain the trust of our stakeholders. A series of policies have been established and disseminated to assist employees in making correct decisions with integrity in all professional situations. The policies regulate political involvement and expenditure (lobbying), affirm anti-corruption and anti-gratuity commitments, and instruct members of the Board of Commissioners, Board of Directors, and other structural officers up to the Assistant Manager level to submit Public Administrator Wealth Report (Laporan Harta Kekayaan Penyelenggara Negara/LHKPN).
- Anti-Bribery Management System
Bribery is a global and national critical issue that can damage organizational value, endanger organizational personnel, and reduce the trust level of external stakeholders. We are committed to identifying, preventing, and detecting bribery through the adoption of ISO 37001:2016 which is integrated into the Geothermal Integrated Management System (GIMS).
We continuously implement adequate measures to ensure the internalization of ISO37001 in all elements and personnel of our organization. Each PGE officer and stakeholder are requested to implement 4 NO principles:
- No Bribery (avoid/refuse all forms of bribery and extortion).
- No Kickback (avoid/refuse to ask for a commission, or gratuity, whether in the form of money or others).
- No Gift (avoid/refuse to receive/give presents or gratification which violates applicable laws and regulations).
- No Luxurious Hospitality (avoid/refuse excessive hospitality or entertainment).
All parties, whether PGE officers, partners, or other external parties, may be actively involved in preventing bribery by reporting alleged bribery activities within or related to the Company or Company’s personnel through the Whistleblowing System (WBS).
Below are our operational areas which have obtained ISO37002:2016 certification:
- PT PGE Pusat
- PT PGE Lumut Balai
- PT PGE Kamojang
- PT PGE Lahendong
- PT PGE Karaha
- PT PGE Ulubelu
- Whistleblowing System (WBS)
PERTAMINA implements a centralized Whistle Blowing System (“WBS”) which is also implemented in Subholdings and subsidiaries/affiliates. WBS Pertamina Clean is managed together with an independent consultant with an international reputation, which can be accessed by all stakeholders including the public through various complaint channels. The Company guarantees the protection of whistleblowers.
The management of reporting fraud & irregularities is carried out on a confidential, anonymous and independent basis. Specifically for reports that come in through the WBS Pertamina Clean channel, an independent consultant will conduct an analysis and then submit the results to the WBS Function. All reports that meet the adequacy of elements will be handled by the Supervisory Function and other related functions in accordance with the provisions as stipulated in the Principal Supervision Policy.
The scope of complaints/disclosures that can be reported through the WBS includes:
- Corruption, conflict of interest, bribery, gratification, and extortion
- Theft, embezzlement and misappropriation of assets
- Fraud in financial statements
- Violation of company laws and regulations
- Harassment (physical, verbal, non-verbal/gesture, visual and emotional).
Complaints/disclosures can be submitted through the following media
Website: https://pertaminaclean.tipoffs.info/
Phone: (021) 2350 7051
SMS & Whatsapp: 0811 861 5000
Fax: (021) 381 5912
Email: pertaminaclean@tipoffs.com.sg
Send a letter: Attn: Tip-offs AnonymousTM
Pertamina Clean
P.O.Box 2600
JKP 10026For other complaints related to Product Services, Sweepstakes Fraud, and Recruitment can be submitted through Pertamina Call Center 135.