Pertamina Geothermal Energy Tbk

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Reducing Environmental Impact

We realize that every effort to produce energy requires energy consumption and natural resources extraction which will eventually lead to increased emissions. Therefore, we continue to promote efficient use of energy, using water resources wisely, and responsible waste management as part of our commitment to reducing greenhouse gas emissions.


  1. Energy Management and Efficiency

    Our steps for energy consumption efficiency start with saving energy within the company which is sourced from the use of fuel and electricity. For our own use of electricity, we use our geothermal energy to replace electricity sourced from PLN electricity and fossil fuels. Furthermore, we also monitor energy consumption outside the company, such as the use of fuel for employee shuttle operations. In addition, we also implement energy efficiency through various policies, initiatives, and sustainable innovations to support the use of new and renewable energy (EBT) in the future.

  2. Waste and Effluent Management

    Steam and electricity production activities have the potential to generate waste, both containing hazardous and toxic (B3) and non-B3 materials, which have an impact on the surrounding environment. We are committed to managing and processing the waste using the 3R principles, namely to reduce, reuse and recycle. Waste management refers to the prevailing laws and regulations in which the processing, storage, and disposal processes are always monitored and reported to the HSSE function and related agencies. We also work to reduce and utilize waste through community empowerment programs such as waste collection through the Rangers App in Kamojang and the use of used plastic for silage making for Saburai Goats in Ulubelu.

  3. Water and Effluent Management

    Along with the increase in generating operational activities and the increase in population, water resources become important. We are committed to using water efficiently and treating effluent properly prior to releasing it into water bodies. Water collection and utilization always go through the local government licensing process and involve the community to ensure a smooth process of sharing water resources with the community. Water use efficiency is also carried out by utilizing brine and condensate water for drilling activities to reduce the use of surface water. Furthermore, the liquid waste or effluent is managed through a Wastewater Treatment Plant (IPAL) in order to meet the standard quality requirements set by the government. The process of releasing effluent into water bodies is carried out carefully so as not to damage the soil surface layer and bottom of the water body.